Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Conceptual People Photography for people who understand arts

Conceptual people photography covers genre such as portrait and fashion photography, concepts of creating glamour and model portfolios etc.  Most of the professional institutes provide for a week long or shorter duration of conceptual photography workshops with focus on:-

·         The use of relevant tools like the camera, lenses, films etc.
·         Basic s of lighting, details of sources of light
·         Details of studio flash and their characteristics
·         How to use lighting for portrait photography, for glamorous make-up, bridal photography
·         Different types of lighting set-ups
·         Taking photographs of people for specific purpose like for their ID’s, a dark person wearing white clothes etc.
·         The relevance of backgrounds, different types of backgrounds – natural and artificial
·         How to manipulate defects and highlight strong features

Conceptual photography, in general, is similar to fine arts photography where the photographer creates a story with a single image. Such illustrative images are commonly seen in advertising where a specific message is passed onto the audience by the presenting a concept visually. Also with the growth of the digital medium and editing software tools, the work of conceptual photography is not limited to just taking pictures s but manipulating the images to narrate a story.
In order to become a conceptual photographer, you would need to not only have a passion for taking pictures and editing them, you should also have a creative and artistic bend of mind. Your brain should be a warehouse of innovative ideas and you should know exactly the way to represent those ideas through the lens of your camera. Just like fine arts, the conceptual form of arts has also been there since the existence of mankind. It is just that with the evolution of high-standards of photographic tools and equipments that this form of art has been encouraging people with aesthetic taste to venture into the field of conceptual photography.

Whether it is conceptual people photography or any other related topic, the bases of this form of photography is in the minds of the photographer. One key characteristic, hence of the person who wishes to train to become a professional conceptual photographer is to have an imaginative mind as concepts or ideas originate here. Also unlike other forms of photography, this one starts from an idea and slowly progresses to find the final expression as an image.  However, in this form of photography, the photographer needs to pay attention to details; from the start till the end where the photograph is edited and processed to get the final print, only your concept is known to you. It is only when the final image is in your hands that you are sure that your idea has got the correct representation or not. It is similar to other works of arts like sculptures and painters who know what they have in mind and then use their art to express the same. Using a person or a model to bring to life that idea is what conceptual portrait photography is all about.

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